The Career and Technical Education Center (CTEC) is an extension of the seven member high schools served by the LPVEC or Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative.
Students go to CTEC as they normally do, return to SRS at 10:45 a.m. and report to their last block until dismissal.
Students come to school as they normally do. Classes end at 9:22 a.m. A parent/guardian of a student in P.M. CTEC may fill out the half day permission slip for dismissal at 9:22 a.m. for the entire year. Students MUST have a note or a parent must call the school in order to be dismissed. Students who are not dismissed must stay at SRS in the library until the CTEC bus arrives. The CTEC bus leaves SRS at 11 a.m. CTEC students must attend CTEC on SRS half days. If a parent has not notified the school that their student will not be attending afternoon CTEC classes, students may receive disciplinary consequences.
2-HOUR DELAYS (due to weather)
There is NO A.M. CTEC. Classes start at 10:43, or 11:13, if students have first lunch. Students will usually take the same bus to school that they normally take home. Students that arrive prior to the start of classes, should sign-in and report to the library.
If more information is needed regarding bussing, please contact the transportation department at 413-789-3291 Ext 3307, or email Jean Nilsson at [email protected]
Report to SRS for first block and then board the CTEC bus at 11:00.
When there is no school at SRS, students do not attend CTEC.
Only SENIORS with approval from SRS administration may drive to CTEC. Correct paperwork must be filled out with the CTEC administration as well. Students may not transport other students to or from CTEC without permission from CTEC and SRS. Please see our Student Handbook for further information regarding policies and rules.
All students must sign in/out on CTEC forms at SRS. They may not sign in/out for someone else. Detention will be given if they do not sign, followed by Saturday school for the second offense. Further infractions may warrant additional disciplinary consequences and/or loss of privileges.
The behavior expectations while traveling on the bus to and from CTEC are the same as the normal busses. Details of the behavioral expectations can be found in the school handbook that is distributed to students on the first day of school. Behavioral infractions while on the bus may warrant loss of privileges. Students who lose bus privileges will be responsible for their own transportation to/from CTEC.
Final exams are given in the morning at SRS. Students attending A.M. CTEC should attend SRS instead of CTEC when they have a final exam scheduled at SRS.