Research Guides

This page contains information about doing research for school. Use the resources here to refresh your memory about finding/organizing information, using in-text citations, and the works cited page.

Finding and Organizing Information

Guide to using research databases- access the Gale Databases here.

Use NoodleTools to organize your sources.
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School password:

Using In-text Citations

We use in-text citations in research papers to show that we got our information from reliable sources, and to add authority to our writing.

There are many guides to using in-text citations. Here are two that are helpful:

Columbia College LibGuide

Purdue OWL

Works Cited Page

The work cited page lists the resources (websites, articles, books, videos) that you use to write your paper. To make sure the sources are trustworthy, you must find the author or publisher and check to see if they provide reliable information.

The easiest way to make a works cited page is by using NoodleTools. Click the "Export" button on the sources page and it will generate an alphabetized works cited page with proper spaces and format.