Advisor: Maryanne Margiotta
The National Honor Society is an organization that recognizes outstanding high school students. There are four pillars of NHS - Character, Service, Leadership, and Scholarship. Students are expected to meet all four pillars, and are expected to continue to meet these after being inducted. You can learn more about the National Honor Society in the United States here.
The Anabasis Chapter of the National Honor Society (Southwick Regional School) requires students to maintain a minimum of a 92 GPA and turn in tutoring and service hours throughout the year. Currently members are expected to complete a minimum of 10 services hours and 5 tutoring hours.
Before the completion of their Sophomore year, students who meet the Scholarship requirements will be notified and may then be inducted the next fall, pending the Faculty Council's approval.
For more information, contact our Advisor, Maryanne Margiotta.
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." William James